The greatest mistake that people make is believing that we can live without God. David says 'I was young and now I am old but never have I seen the righteous forsaken' we are a generation of cash, we focus on what we have on the outside that who we are and who we should have inside.
Gods intention is not to harm us but to give us life and life in abundance.
Gods intention is not to judge us or condemn us.
Gods intention is to set us free from who we think we are:-
1. Broken
2. Prostitute
3. Failure,
4. Addict,
5. Shy or ashamed.
6. Fat,
7. Too thin,
8. Unrecognized.
I have come across people who actually believe that the would be better if they had no God to live for simply because they want to run taverns and perform all malicious things and simply because of what people defined them to be.Some say that they do not need God. Some that I know think that God is weak because they think he can't save them.
In my diary this morning I want to say, in my life I have seen him. I am a writer I haven't published a book. I have books that are waiting to be published but it looks like nothing is happening but I still see him, I can stand up and preach and share about the greatness of God and his marvelous deeds but that's not how I see him.
1. I see him when I wake up,
2. I see him when I am walking to church,
3. I see him when I speak to people,
4. I see him when I haven't done anything and I was lazy but I ate something.
In my diary this morning I encourage you find God and see God. We need to learn that God is everywhere and he is with us everywhere. In every pain, with every need, God is here with us.
My name is William Seitshiro and this is my diary.
Facebook page: William 'Lehlohonolo' Seitshiro ///'a writer's pan & a pastor's bible'\\\
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