
Showing posts from October, 2018


Success Is Earned Have you ever sat down and wondered what the point of all of this is? When we don’t go out to try gain wealth we end up in need and fighting against situations, when we sit down at home and not do anything we face situations. What is the point of everything? Whenever you try the more problems you encounter. So many things we do today, our jobs, are not exactly making us happy. We have built our lives on the ideas of comfort ability, the ideas of finding comfort in the salary that you earn as long as you can buy what you need and support your family. What is the point of it all? How many of us today, are in constant pursuit of our dreams, goals, visions and things we want to achieve before we die? (Pause and think for a moment) So many people around the world want to be great and want to achieve success or greatness in their homes, careers, relationships and so forth but not many get to arrive at or to their point of greatness or success. So many people give up a