Live, No Matter the Cost!

I have an epiphany, life does not stop going on even when we die.

Life is a process of living. When we look at nature the water, plants or trees, animals and many more things, they have life, trees breath curbondioxide and they have seeds that fall from them and make many more plants or trees. Animals make families of their own and Feed them and protect them.

Us being human does not stop the world from living. Even when we die life keeps moving on, birds sing, lions feeds and even though were killing it with new buildings, cars and gasses it is still bigger than we expect. When we die, we are going to leave the world as it is, as a matter of fact we are going to leave it the way God wanted it to be, peaceful and beautiful.

Life will never stop unless God decide to stop, God is life. We need to face it, we have no control over life because if we did then we would have God in our control.

My encouragement is, live life the way God wants you too and the way he planned you too.

I have see a great change in me over the months...

I have learned that situations are never meant to hammer you down to the ground but to help you make your way to the top.

Scripture suggests that many are the trials that a righteous Man face, but God will set them free from all. Situation are there but for those who believe in Jesus the Christ, situations are a stamping stone to victory.

Our victory does lie in this realm but in the heavens and in Christ.

Live life the way God wants you too no matter the situation because your victory is in him.

I am William Seitshiro and this is my diary.

Facebook page: William 'Lehlohonolo' Seitshiro ///'a writer's pan & a pastor's bible'\\\


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